Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New items at the ready!

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about my books! I am in the process of writing two series' of family friendly books. Both fun and whimsical of course but also dealing with serious issues like nutrition and health.

I am writing to a younger audience but with good resources and a little info for parents. The goal is to offset the issue of failing health by introducing physical and emotional health care through food and compassion. I kicked out the first prototype book today of one series and am in the process of E-publishing the first of the other series!

I love being busy and feeling useful and I hope that my information will touch my audience in a way that allows us to all be healthier.

Happy health!
-Home Felt-

Sunday, February 24, 2013



I am Nutritional support counselor and I want to help the people of the world through my nutritional and alternative medicine education.

To start, I want to say Thanks for coming! This blog is not a substitute for speaking with your doctor and although I do have an education in the topics of which I speak, I am not a doctor.

I have two small kids of my own and I want to help them grow up to be so healthy that they don't have to see their doctor but for their annual well check. I want that for your kids too!!

I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyaligia and went on a gluten free diet to offset my pain (per doctors advise), and for me it works! My pain is significantly decreased and I want to share the new discoveries with you as to how we can prevent and assist our body's natural responses by using food as medicine!

Please leave me any questions and I will do my best to answer.

I started my business with Nomsters and Noms, little felt monster guys and felt food as educational support tools and soon will be coming out with my first educational family book!!!

Thanks for reading!

Home Felt!