Hey friends!
Now that I have introduced our Nomster & Nom friends and explained a bit of what our company is about I will tell you about some of our nutritional needs and health inspirations!
Within our close family/friend circle we have had some serious health conditions and, with my education, I am always trying to offer natural remedies or holistic support to improve health. Personally I have used a great deal of natural remedies that have vastly improved my own personal health conditions! Don't get me wrong, Western Medicine has its place in severe life threatening conditions, emergency situations and is fantastic for it's diagnostic tools! I just prefer prevention and maintenance of health to prescription drugs with tons of side effects and I believe in avoidance of surgery if possible.
Obviously I have to include "I am not a doctor and none of my information on this blog is suitable as a substitute for seeing a doctor, this information does not qualify as medical advise."As previously stated, I have my Bachelors of Science in Alternative Medicine and I have three years experience in the nutritional and supplemental fields. I provide life health and nutritional counseling as part of our Home Felt nutritional services, but again I am not (yet) a Registered Nutritionist and most certainly not a doctor.
I choose to use natural remedies and food for medicine on a daily basis and I have found that I am most happy with the results.
Regular Family Health: I personally use homeopathic remedies for my children and myself and LOVE the effects of quickly eliminating the cold/flu symptoms. The regularly used supplements in our house include, a multivitamin, fish oil, an antioxidant/green/ whole foods supplement, and a pro biotic. We also intermittently used Vitamin C supplements seasonally and we each have our own personal list of necessary supplements depending on our own personal physiology.I also make several smoothies a week to boost my and my family's immune systems. I use my own recipes and plenty that I find online as well. Green Smoothies are best!
Tummy: I use raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar (1/2 cup), lemon juice(1/2 cup) and honey(3tbsp) (Shaken, not stirred) for my GERD and gallstones (as needed). I was diagnosed with severe gallbladder disease Dec. 2011 with a strong recommendation to surgically remove my gallbladder, which the doctors said would improve my GERD and eliminate the crippling pain I had related to the gallstones. Since I strongly believe in using the earth to fix health problem prior to the removal of necessary organs I saw my Acupuncturists and drank some Chinese herbs for temporary relief and then I did a very effective gallbladder flush. The Gall flush lasted me about a year by eliminating my stones, but as my condition is, they came back! Which is why I began using the above recipe for taming the problem without putting myself out of commission for two days for the flush. Its not delicious but the honey makes it bearable and it kills the heartburn and "dissolves" the gall stones! Beats taking those chewable "heartburn relief" that does nothing but give momentary relief!
Hair and Skin: I use a coconut oil hair wrap over night once a month for healthy hair and a homemade salt scrub as needed on my scalp for flaky scalp deterrent. Winter skin, dry skin, eczema, itchy skin- you name it, I know someone who has it! Baths! Oatmeal, Shea butter, almond oil, lavender, apricot oil, or milk, any of which can be added to a bath and I have found my favorites are almond oil, oatmeal and apricot oil! Mix them together or one at a time, but they help with skin dryness and depending on the blend, smell AMAZING! I also use a 5,000 IU vitamin E lotion on my face everyday to help with redness and dryness.
I know not everyone deals with the same problems and since I have quite a few, I want to share my experiences so that others can learn from my experiences and if you have any questions about your own conditions, please feel free to ask. Here in the comments if you don't mind my other readers to be privy, or you are welcome to email me at
homefeltcville@gmail.com where I will do my best to reply as well as anonymously reply here in my blog. I may not know all the answers right away but I can promise that I will find the answers as best I can with my amazing resources. If I don't know the answer, I will find someone who does!!
Fibromyalgia: I was having Unexplained pain all over, everything hurt all the time! I thought it was from my old injury, or maybe post baby pains but it just kept getting worse! I woke up in pain, cried because the pain was so bad at times! I was less then useful at taking care of my children at times (Thank goodness for my amazing family and my kid's amazing father), it was getting worse and worse and so I went to get tested for everything from Rheumatoid Arthritis to Lupus and Lyme disease. Nothing! My body as far as tests show, was healthy! So with a simple pressure point test and a process of elimination, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia! I'm not even 30 yet! I refuse prescriptions because they mask symptoms but don't solve my problem (they were going to give me antidepressants!), so I experimentally removed all gluten products from my diet for one month . I feel so much better!! I still have some aches which I fight with tart cherry juice for the inflammation but I feel amazing! I have energy again and even though I still have some symptoms to fight it is so much easier without the now obvious allergy to gluten weighing me down!
I consider myself very lucky that I am privy to the nutritional knowledge that I have in order to combat the health issue that I face, my goal is to take this knowledge and offer that same assistance to others!
Thank you for listening, my intention is not to burden others with my health, it is to inform you that even though our health may not always be at its best, the earth provides! I want to help you! To quote one of my favorite movies, "Get some rest, if you havent got your health then you havent got anything"! (Count Rugen, The Princess Bride) :) Some truths come from the unlikelies sources!
Love to you all!
Thanks for reading,
Happy Health,
-Home Felt-
(Chelsy Rae)